Niagra Falls

“Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm? To be tossed and lost and broken in the whirl of this fearful joy?” writes the poet Rabindranath Tagore. And many of us answer, “Yes, it is beyond me.” The rush of the holiday season can feel like going over Niagra Falls in a barrel, out of control and battered by forces pushing at us from all sides.

How will you find a moment today to simply rest and float?

Alone at Last

In this holiday season when all the talk is of family and being together, a deserted island might strike you as a place of intolerable loneliness, or it might seem like a paradise where you could finally have room to breathe and be yourself. Even the most social of us need moments when we can be alone with our own thoughts.

How will you find a moment today to cherish being by yourself?

Swinging High

When was the last time you were on a swing? Can you feel in your body the sensation of flying, of leaning back and pumping your legs until you hit the very highest arc of the swing? The rush forward and backward is a joy, but the best part is that brief suspended moment at the top of the arc, the flash of weightlessness before you inevitably come down again.

What allows you moments in which you pause, however briefly, outside the regular parameters of your life?

Black Friday

The day after US Thanksgiving is celebrated as a day of shopping: “Black Friday,” when the merchants hope to end the year in the black. But what if we celebrated Black Friday as a day of honoring the growing darkness of the season? Black Friday could celebrate the mystery of the dark, the beauty of the night sky, the richness of the dark earth, the restfulness of the dark evening time.

What experiences or images of the dark call most deeply to you?