A Vision of Loveliness

AVisionOfLovelinessWhat could be lovelier, more perfect, than a view through the trees to a white, sandy tropical beach? Of course, once you were on the beach you would face the danger of sunburn, and perhaps poisonous jellyfish lurk in the clear water. But for a moment, in a glimpse through the trees, it’s possible to see only the vision of loveliness, shining there like a perfect gem.

Who or what will you allow yourself to see as a vision of loveliness, setting aside all flaws for a moment for a glimpse of shining perfection?


SpecialOut of all the stones on this beach, this particular set of nine rocks stands out, only because someone has taken the time to balance them into a tower, to arrange those particular stones as part of part of their personal vision.

What has become special to you because of the way you have made it connect with a vision?

Learning to Paint

Maybe it happens for great artists, but for most of us, what we create rarely ends up looking quite like what we had in mind. But whether the end product is something we judge a failure or whether it turns out to be a delightful surprise, the work we undertake out of love for the task always leaves a beautiful trace on our souls.

What form of creating has left its mark on who you are?

Sea Flowers

These ruffled flowers are, of course, not flowers at all. Seaweed grows in an utterly alien garden, in an oceanic world that few of us even visit and where none of us can live. And yet seaweed appears on the shore, a messenger to remind us of the beauty of worlds that we will never know.

What has come to you from a world beyond what is familiar?