A Vision of Loveliness

AVisionOfLovelinessWhat could be lovelier, more perfect, than a view through the trees to a white, sandy tropical beach? Of course, once you were on the beach you would face the danger of sunburn, and perhaps poisonous jellyfish lurk in the clear water. But for a moment, in a glimpse through the trees, it’s possible to see only the vision of loveliness, shining there like a perfect gem.

Who or what will you allow yourself to see as a vision of loveliness, setting aside all flaws for a moment for a glimpse of shining perfection?

The Perfect Rose

You stop to admire a rose in full bloom, glowing with the colors of the sunset. You bury your nose in the blossom and inhale the rich scent. As you pull your face back you notice that one of the petals on this glorious rose is bent and bruised, that the rose is not, after all, perfect. Do you enjoy the rose any less for its flaw?

How do you move past flaws to find the glory in your day?