The Perfect Rose

You stop to admire a rose in full bloom, glowing with the colors of the sunset. You bury your nose in the blossom and inhale the rich scent. As you pull your face back you notice that one of the petals on this glorious rose is bent and bruised, that the rose is not, after all, perfect. Do you enjoy the rose any less for its flaw?

How do you move past flaws to find the glory in your day?

3 thoughts on “The Perfect Rose”

  1. “Flaws” are often what individualizes a person, a place or a thing. As a history buff, I have become atuned to seek out ruins and old buildings as well as other things in various states of decay (like all of us, really.) I’ve mentioned it before here, but I think it bears repeating that I recommend Eric Wilson’s “Against Happiness.” It is more a book about relishing imperfect emotions and situations and what they can produce in us rather than celebrating unhappiness. Also, perhaps, a little Weird NJ. This magazine often points out and celebrates what is weird, goofy and old in my state.

  2. I really struggle with perfectionism. I realize it’s unhealthy and that it makes me miserable, but I can’t seem to let go of it.

    One thing that has helped me “find the glory in [my] day” is to list the positives of each day in my journal every night. Generally the things I list aren’t purely wonderful but have flaws as well, yet I try to focus on the positive attributes. Since I’ve started doing this, I’ve realized that most days have quite a few positive events and all of them (so far) have at least one small aspect I can appreciate.

    I list not only events outside of my control, but also some of my accomplishments. I’m learning to give myself credit for what I can do, which help a tiny bit in seeing something worthwhile in my mountain of flaws. I also remind myself of the first principle – the inherent worth and dignity of every person – and tell myself that this applies to me as well.

  3. How do you move past flaws to find the glory in your day?…
    I focus on my “perfect Rose” – when I am with her, all the flaws of the day drift away; and her glory is revealed!

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