More Mountains

Somehow, when we have overcome an obstacle or worked through a difficult problem, it feels as if we should arrive at the “land of milk and honey,” a place of rest and ease. But there will always be other obstacles, other mountains to climb, other problems that press forward.

How do you find ways to rest and renew yourself, even in the midst of the journey?


Sometimes solitude is a burden, bringing a sense of loneliness or abandonment, a feeling that we are lost and alone. Sometimes solitude is a blessing, a peaceful moment when we can return fully to our own self, a time apart to finally rest in the quiet. Either way, it is a temporary state. The footprints of those who share our lives always surround us.

Today, do you seek solitude or company? Whose footprints will the ocean erase, and whose will continue to appear alongside your own?

Taking Time to Water

This time of year, many gardens are beginning to look a bit crispy around the edges. Surely the rain will fall soon, and spare us the effort of having to water! But sometimes you simply have to take responsibility for watering your own garden.

Sure, there will be moments of deep grace when the rain falls from the sky and you are suddenly, blessedly, refreshed. But more often, it is up to us to make a time and place for our souls to drink deep.

How will you nourish your roots today?