
Buddies-150x150There’s nothing like the support of friends, knowing that there are people who will stand by your side, to get you through. But what happens when you see things differently than your friends, when you are pulled towards an idea, a belief, an interest that is foreign to those who are closest to you? Sometimes friendships are broken by this tug in a new direction, but the deepest connections contain enough elasticity to allow differences not to be divisions.

Who are you bound to with an elastic bond that keeps you connected through all the changes of your life?


There’s nothing like the support of friends, knowing that there are people who will stand by your side, to get you through. But what happens when you see things differently than your friends, when you are pulled towards an idea, a belief, an interest that is foreign to those who are closest to you? Sometimes friendships are broken by this tug in a new direction, but the deepest connections contain enough elasticity to allow differences not to be divisions.

Who are you bound to with an elastic bond that keeps you connected through all the changes of your life?


Sometimes solitude is a burden, bringing a sense of loneliness or abandonment, a feeling that we are lost and alone. Sometimes solitude is a blessing, a peaceful moment when we can return fully to our own self, a time apart to finally rest in the quiet. Either way, it is a temporary state. The footprints of those who share our lives always surround us.

Today, do you seek solitude or company? Whose footprints will the ocean erase, and whose will continue to appear alongside your own?