
Buddies-150x150There’s nothing like the support of friends, knowing that there are people who will stand by your side, to get you through. But what happens when you see things differently than your friends, when you are pulled towards an idea, a belief, an interest that is foreign to those who are closest to you? Sometimes friendships are broken by this tug in a new direction, but the deepest connections contain enough elasticity to allow differences not to be divisions.

Who are you bound to with an elastic bond that keeps you connected through all the changes of your life?

Red Velvet Cupcake

RedVelvetCupcake1-150x150How do you approach a cupcake? Frosting first? Nibble the cake out from underneath to save the frosting for last? Do you carefully balance the cake to frosting ratio for each bite or do you open wide to take in a mouth full of glory all at once? There is only one wrong way to eat a cupcake, and that is to fail to give it your full attention and appreciation while the moment lasts.

What will you give your full appreciation to today?

Lonely Path

LonelyPath-150x150Each of us is on a path through life, and ultimately each of us must walk that path for and by ourselves. And yet, even at the times that we feel most alone, we are always accompanied. Perhaps you have not noticed that the trees themselves are reaching out their arms as you walk past.

Where do you look for company when you feel alone?

A Splash of Color

Sometimes what we admire most in a garden is the elegance of a single rose or the voluptuous lines of one creamy calla lily. But often times what really strikes the eye is a mass of color, a patch where you can’t make out any single blossom, but only the brilliance of the whole. Sometimes when each one of us is not all that impressive or effective, all of us together can have a big impact.

How do you join with others to create something bigger than you can do alone?