The Cost of Seeing

TheCostOfSeeingThis telescope requires the viewer to put in quarters in order to get the eagle’s-eye view of their surroundings. But there are other forms of seeing clearly that are also not without cost. When issues such as racism, climate change or economic injustice come into focus for us, then we must face the price of figuring out how we will respond—or the price of knowing that we have seen injustice and done nothing.

What price have you been willing to pay to respond to the injustice that you’ve seen?

A Splash of Color

Sometimes what we admire most in a garden is the elegance of a single rose or the voluptuous lines of one creamy calla lily. But often times what really strikes the eye is a mass of color, a patch where you can’t make out any single blossom, but only the brilliance of the whole. Sometimes when each one of us is not all that impressive or effective, all of us together can have a big impact.

How do you join with others to create something bigger than you can do alone?

World Food Day

What did you have for breakfast today? When you got up this morning did you know that you would be able to have enough food today to sustain you? Today marks World Food Day, an international event that honors the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on this day in 1945.

How do you express gratitude for the food that sustains you? How do you express that gratitude through choices that enable others to eat?