The Cost of Seeing

TheCostOfSeeingThis telescope requires the viewer to put in quarters in order to get the eagle’s-eye view of their surroundings. But there are other forms of seeing clearly that are also not without cost. When issues such as racism, climate change or economic injustice come into focus for us, then we must face the price of figuring out how we will respond—or the price of knowing that we have seen injustice and done nothing.

What price have you been willing to pay to respond to the injustice that you’ve seen?

2 thoughts on “The Cost of Seeing”

  1. I’m in a strange place right now. I just don’t feel like committing to much of anything that would require a sense of responsibility. I just feel sooooo tired of commitment & responsibility. I’ve been so very committed & responsible all of my life. But I feel very guilty now when I see things I could do & I do’t st to the challenge.

  2. Sometimes just a kind word affirming the existence of someone experiencing types of injustice mentioned costs nothing, but can will let them know they are seen and acknowledged as a fellow man.

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