Straight and Narrow

StraightandNarrow-150x150Is time spent in the valley a time of boredom and simply plowing through until one reaches the beauty of the distant mountains? Or are the flatlands a time of ease and rest before you come to the rugged heights? Is it better to keep your eyes fixed on the horizon of a distant goal, or is it better to stay focused on the place where you are, even if it’s not so glamorous?

How would you describe your current location in your life’s journey?

Lonely Path

LonelyPath-150x150Each of us is on a path through life, and ultimately each of us must walk that path for and by ourselves. And yet, even at the times that we feel most alone, we are always accompanied. Perhaps you have not noticed that the trees themselves are reaching out their arms as you walk past.

Where do you look for company when you feel alone?

Straight and Narrow

Is time spent in the valley a time of boredom and simply plowing through until one reaches the beauty of the distant mountains? Or are the flatlands a time of ease and rest before you come to the rugged heights? Is it better to keep your eyes fixed on the horizon of a distant goal, or is it better to stay focused on the place where you are, even if it’s not so glamorous?

How would you describe your current location in your life’s journey?

Lonely Path

Each of us is on a path through life, and ultimately each of us must walk that path for and by ourselves. And yet, even at the times that we feel most alone, we are always accompanied. Perhaps you have not noticed that the trees themselves are reaching out their arms as you walk past.

Where do you look for company when you feel alone?

The Long and Winding Road

You do not know where this path will take you. You do not know how far the road will go, or what obstacles you may meet along the way. There is always a bend ahead around which you cannot see. So perhaps there is no spot on the journey more beautiful than where you are right now.

What do you admire about the view from this point in your life