Straight and Narrow

StraightandNarrow-150x150Is time spent in the valley a time of boredom and simply plowing through until one reaches the beauty of the distant mountains? Or are the flatlands a time of ease and rest before you come to the rugged heights? Is it better to keep your eyes fixed on the horizon of a distant goal, or is it better to stay focused on the place where you are, even if it’s not so glamorous?

How would you describe your current location in your life’s journey?


Carousel-150x150Do you ever feel like your life is going around and around on the same track, constantly moving, but taking you nowhere new? And yet, the repetitive carousel ride is one of the great joys of childhood. Perhaps what is most wonderful about riding a carousel is not the circular motion, but the opportunity to wave at the loved one who, again and again, disappears and comes into view.

Who or what has put in a welcome reappearance in your life lately?

Straight and Narrow

Is time spent in the valley a time of boredom and simply plowing through until one reaches the beauty of the distant mountains? Or are the flatlands a time of ease and rest before you come to the rugged heights? Is it better to keep your eyes fixed on the horizon of a distant goal, or is it better to stay focused on the place where you are, even if it’s not so glamorous?

How would you describe your current location in your life’s journey?


Do you ever feel like your life is going around and around on the same track, constantly moving, but taking you nowhere new? And yet, the repetitive carousel ride is one of the great joys of childhood. Perhaps what is most wonderful about riding a carousel is not the circular motion, but the opportunity to wave at the loved one who, again and again, disappears and comes into view.

Who or what has put in a welcome reappearance in your life lately?