Alone in the Snow

A baby harp seal in its fluffy white coat blends in with the snow, making it almost invisible to predators. But to its mother, each little seal is instantly identifiable, and she is drawn to the scent of the one baby, amidst all the others, that belongs to her. So long as its mother is alive, no young harp seal is really alone.

Who will you find, so long as they need you? Who will come find you if you are in need?

The Space Between

Does the ocean separate these tiny islands, or does it connect them? There is no music without silence, no words without the white space between them, no relationship without the separation between us. The very atoms that make up the universe are more space than matter.

What open space will you reach into or across today?

Rosh Hashana

L’shana tova! Today is Rosh Hashana, the first day of the new year in the Jewish calendar. It marks the beginning of ten Days of Turning, during which Jews are expected to examine their lives and make amends for any damaged relationships.

Who might you apologize to, what relationship might you mend in the course of these ten days?