Riding the Wave

Nothing feels quite as wonderful as the sensation of riding the wave of life, of feeling caught up in the flow and carried forward by a power greater than yourself. In that moment you can do no wrong, you simply balance, perfectly poised, in the great ocean of life. Until you crash beneath the wave or are left stagnant on a beach. Every wave has its crest and trough. And there will always be another wave.

Where in the cycle of crest and trough is your life at this moment?

4 thoughts on “Riding the Wave”

  1. Good analogy. I think I am cresting at this time. The year started out bad and got worse. We had several deaths in the family, some serious health problems, etc. Then the skies began to clear up and now life doesn’t seem so bad after all. In fact, I’ve been having a lot of fun lately. The down times have actually helped me to appreciate the good time I am experiencing now. I am also aware that this won’t last forever. When the next low point comes I will remind myself of your post here today. It a good one. Thanks!

  2. For years I have thought and said the same thing. How great to see it put so well because that truly does sum up the human life experience.

  3. A lot of things are happening right now that are designed to bring me forward: yet another bout of physical/occupational therapy, other doctor appointments, applying for a permanent place at a job/support place for people with disabilities, getting help with life skills and with learning German at said place, and so on. Sometimes – okay, often – I feel like these processes are out of my control, powered by agencies greater than myself (though not necessarily spiritual ones – more government-based and so on). However, it doesn’t feel wonderful. It feels scary.

  4. Where in the cycle of crest and trough is your life at this moment?…
    … having been smashed, numerous times, on the reef – I have now had the shattered shards of my soul, cast about up onto the beach … waiting for the next high tide to suck me back into the waters, to drown; and repeat the cycle all over again.

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