Riding the Wave

RidingTheWave1-150x150Nothing feels quite as wonderful as the sensation of riding the wave of life, of feeling caught up in the flow and carried forward by a power greater than yourself. In that moment you can do no wrong, you simply balance, perfectly poised, in the great ocean of life. Until you crash beneath the wave or are left stagnant on a beach. Every wave has its crest and trough. And there will always be another wave.

Where in the cycle of crest and trough is your life at this moment?

Riding the Wave

Nothing feels quite as wonderful as the sensation of riding the wave of life, of feeling caught up in the flow and carried forward by a power greater than yourself. In that moment you can do no wrong, you simply balance, perfectly poised, in the great ocean of life. Until you crash beneath the wave or are left stagnant on a beach. Every wave has its crest and trough. And there will always be another wave.

Where in the cycle of crest and trough is your life at this moment?