Delicate Balance

At a terrifying height, in the midst of breathtaking beauty, the glider hangs calmly suspended, as if the fragile perch could as easily be a porch swing or a desk chair. In moments of true balance, both life’s terror and its beauty are simply facts, like feeling the rush of wind or the warmth of the sun.

How will you find balance in the terror and the beauty of your day?

2 thoughts on “Delicate Balance”

  1. How will you find balance in the terror and the beauty of your day?…
    Everything involves taking some kind of risk. Damn the risk! Step toward all the beauty you can find; and EMBRACE IT!

  2. I’m having a problem with this balance today. Tomorrow I’m having major back surgery and I’m moderately terrified at what could go wrong. At the same time I’m joyously hopeful at the thought that I will possibly be freed from the shackles of pain and stupifying medications and might get my life back.

    Growing old isn’t for the faint of heart.


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