Hanging in Space

HangingInSpace-150x150Do you ever feel adrift, untethered, as if the very gravity that holds you to the familiar has somehow let go? Of course the experience is terrifying, but the view from that dangerous place can be amazing, giving you a whole new perspective on your world.

What familiar thing might you let go of in order to gain a different view of your life?

Big Pumpkin

BigPumpkin1-150x150Have you ever stretched out your back on a yoga ball—or a giant pumpkin? Sometimes stretching ourselves is uncomfortable and scary, and we resist trying something new or threatening. But sometimes the stretch is a relief, releasing us from habits that make us stiff and unyielding.

How will you stretch yourself today?

Hanging in Space

Do you ever feel adrift, untethered, as if the very gravity that holds you to the familiar has somehow let go? Of course the experience is terrifying, but the view from that dangerous place can be amazing, giving you a whole new perspective on your world.

What familiar thing might you let go of in order to gain a different view of your life?