Park It

Parking is a thing that you do only because it enables you to do something else. Nobody parks a car for the fun of it. But anyone who has wandered in ever larger circles looking for a spot that isn’t there knows just how much difference a parking spot can make.

What do you appreciate, not for itself, but rather for what it makes possible?

One thought on “Park It”

  1. I have a “funny” reward system in place ever since I’ve started in retirement having more medical appointments. Each time,after a medical appointment, I choose to go on a shopping excursion. Allowing myself a $ limit of $4. (+ or =) I go looking for something that (1) is within that amount, (2) I don’t need and (3) I can’t use up (food, cosmetics etc.) Of course, I end up with a variety of “things”; I don’t care; I like having them and looking at them; they are an answer to today’s question. Point made: this frivolity can help me with the assurance that keeping medical appointments can help me have as good health possible.

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