
girl-with-dog-unsplahThe simplest things can make us feel grounded and connected—a hand on the shoulder, a favorite song, the smell of cinnamon, eye contact from someone who looks at us and really sees us. A touch, a smell, and we come back into ourselves and the moment.

What small things help to ground and connect you?


homeless-pixabayMany of us center our sense of self, of belonging, in our homes and families. But not everyone has a home and not everyone has a family. Which means, perhaps, that some people must learn to belong to what is either very small or very large.

What has helped you feel connected in times of estrangement?


sukkahIn celebration of the holiday of Sukkot Jews build deliberately flimsy little buildings to spend time in. In a sukkah you should be able to see the stars through your roof—outside and inside come together to create a different sense of what it means to be at home.

Where, other than where you live, have you created space where you feel at home?