Already Loved

kisses-pixabayWhat a remarkable thing it is that we arrive in this world already loved, welcomed before anyone has had a chance to get to know us, belonging simply because we exist.

Who loves you—or who do you love—unconditionally, simply as a part of existing?

One thought on “Already Loved”

  1. I had a friend Frieda who had cerebral palsy whom I met at the Unitarian church in Kansas City. Regardless of her physical limitations, we understood each other. As her life progressed, she moved and was basically left alone by what family she had; I saw her for years after that. She chose to leave the Unitarian church beliefs because as a Jew she though she wasn’t accepted. She was vocal about women’s rights and had some laughs left in her almost to the end of her life. Although I have other close relationships now, I seem to feel that I loved Frieda without any conditions attached.

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