All Strangers Here


“We show hospitality to strangers not merely because they need it, but because we need it, too. The stranger at the door is the living symbol and memory that we are all strangers here.”
―Thomas G. Long

How do you experience yourself as needing hospitality?

One thought on “All Strangers Here”

  1. I wish I had more places and groups where I could go to socialize and feel confident that folks would not discuss politics in the nasty, inhospitable terms they hear on TV or read in pithy jabs on Facebook. I wish this, not only from those whose views differ from mine, but even from those who agree with me. I truly believe what I read in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne several years ago. We attract what we focus on, where we put our energy. One of the reasons I stopped attending brick and mortar UU churches and joined CLF, even though there are several UU churches in this big city of Houston, was that, before and after services and other events, I would feel dragged down by what I call the “ain’t-it-awful conversations.” All the verbal handwringing, repeating and rehashing things we all already knew. The Secret states that, sometimes, the candidate the people are really against is elected because he’s getting all the attention and all the energy. She quotes mother Theresa who said,” I will never attend an antiwar rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me.”

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