Twice Infinity

the universe is huge - unsplash creative commonsNothing reminds us of the immensity of the universe as much as the sight of a sky full of stars, and the knowledge that we catch only a distant glimpse of uncountable worlds beyond our knowing. There is nothing bigger, nothing more grand—except when that immensity is doubled by a reflection.

What is the very biggest thing you feel a part of?

One thought on “Twice Infinity”

  1. As a living breathing entity, I can think of the AIR as the biggest component that I am part of. When I think that I take so any breaths of air each minute, it humbles me to think that a thing I take for granted does so much for me. In fact, without it, I would not live. In my exercise Tai Chi, from now on, I will practice my deep breathing more assiduously than I have before. It is said that deep breathing in and out can give much help to my mind and body, so I want to feel grateful for all of the opportunities I have.

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