
pile of junk - morguefile creative commonsDon’t you have a drawer like that? One that accumulates bits and pieces: bent nails, old bobby pins, thumb tacks, crayon ends, paper clips, safety pins, batteries, screws and assorted random hardware from build-it-yourself-furniture? Every now and again the time comes to clean and organize these drawers, and throw out the random useless bits. But not yet.

What have you been delighted to find in a junk drawer?

One thought on “Junk”

  1. Not only “a” drawer full on misc.(!) but many! Gatherings of all kinds of “things” have, at the moment, overwhelmed me. However, I have a helper who is willing to challenge me on “keep or throw or donate”; that helps a lot. The one thing that I thought was gone forever was the ice cream scoop that works so well with the lever to release the ball of ice cream into the dish without having to push it out with a spoon. I had taken it the UU fellowship during a program and then failed to put it back where I expected to find it. So, many months later (now) I am overjoyed to find it and use it quite often.

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