
seder plateThe ritual of the celebration of the Passover Seder involves a number of symbolic items: the matzah, bitter herbs, greenery, a roasted egg, a lamb shank bone and the sweet charoset. Each of these items has a story and a meaning, which is not only spoken of, but also literally taken in through eating.

What foods serve as symbols for you?

Good Friday

Jesus FacepalmIt seems odd that the day which honors Jesus’s torment on the cross should be referred to a “Good Friday.” What could be good about that kind of suffering? And yet, mythology is full of these stories of tortured gods and heroes.

How has your personal story been shaped by a time of intense physical or emotional pain?


AloeThe aloe plant is known for its healing properties. Break a leaf and the sap that oozes out does wonderful things to heal a burn. That same sap will cover over the broken place on the plant and allow it to heal.

What skill that you have developed for healing yourself have you applied to helping others to heal?