Core Strength

BalanceThe ability to balance the body in seemingly precarious positions comes from the strength of the core muscles of the abdomen and back. In other words, it is our core strength that allows us to find balance when life gets precarious.

What helps you to develop your own core strength?

2 thoughts on “Core Strength”

  1. Core strength relative to physical possibility is a matter of deciding to keeping the body active; for me this means going to Tai Chi three times each week as well as adding other specific exercises to that regimen . I always feel more comfortable in mind and body after participating. Relative to a core strength of one’s emotional reserve may be more difficult: when I reach a point of having to make a difficult decision about my own life pattern or involving myself in a decision about the life of another, I question myself about the pros and cons and then make the decision. As my dad used to say, “Sometimes a person has to make a decision; it may be a right or wrong decision but it’s better to go ahead and make a decision anyway.” This takes strength to realize that often we won’t know what the outcome will be but we need to go ahead and find out.

  2. About two months ago, I was actually assigned a regimen of spine exercises due to back pain. I’ve been faithfully doing them for at least ten minutes a day ever since. Now I am able to walk my dog again.

    I’m guessing, however, that this question is meant metaphorically. In a more spiritual/emotional sense, my core strength comes from reflecting on my values, aligning my actions to these beliefs, and then assessing the results in case I need to refine either my values or my actions.

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