
TheMagiThe Christian holiday of Epiphany marks the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus. They gave the baby gold, frankincense and myrrh. The baby gave them the revelation of the divine in human form. Sometimes you get the most surprising gifts in the most surprising places.

When has a gift come as an epiphany?

A New Bird

CardinalInTheWindGone away is the bluebird, here to stay is a new bird…It somehow seems like the new bird should be a cardinal, as dramatic in his red plumage as the bluebird, but utterly different. When something beautiful flies away it can be hard to trust that something just as lovely—but not at all the same—could be winging its way toward you.

What have you been able to see only when something else was gone?

Changing Gears

ChangingGearsIn a car with a manual transmission, the purpose of the clutch is to help ensure that the gears, which are traveling at different speeds, can mesh together seamlessly as you shift from one gear to another. By depressing the clutch pedal, the gears enter a zone where they are brought together without clashing.

Where is the zone in your life that allows you to mesh together the speeds of your heart, spirit, body and mind, so that you can move smoothly along your journey?