
CranberriesPerhaps cranberries are the perfect food for moving into the holiday season. After all, they are delicious, but only with a whole lot of added sweetness. The holidays offer many occasions that can leave a bitter taste in your mouth, so it’s important to build in those things that feel sweetest to you as you go.

What gives you greatest joy in preparing for the winter holidays?

4 thoughts on “Cranberries”

  1. Searching for or creating gifts is my favorite part of preparing for the holidays. I really enjoy coming up with something that gives someone joy – especially when I can then see their face light up when they open the gift, though that’s not a requirement.

  2. Imagining which item in my gift basket is just right for a family member, even if I’ve sworn I’d never give them anything again.

  3. I prefer to give something special to a friend or a worker, such as the post-person, milkman (yes, I still have it delivered weekly!) or someone else for whom I think a special “thing” will please them. I also find that giving donations in the name of another is a way I think is worthwhile. I really prefer to give these remembrances at different times of the year or at least at the beginning of a New Year instead of during the “have to” season.

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