Give it a Rest

AfternoonNapFacing the challenges of life requires courage and persistence and skill. But sometimes the best strategy is just to give it a rest for a while and wait for things to pass.

What is your favorite way to procrastinate or relax?

5 thoughts on “Give it a Rest”

  1. I believe that I have to do my part and leave the rest to God. My favorite ways to relax are by reading, watching a good movie, or taking a nice long walk in the country. These help to alleviate stress and keep me refreshed on all levels.

  2. Walking is my sure solution for most of my concerns too. This part of Texas in this time of the year is the best place and season to walk that I know of. I enjoy the birds, robins and mocking birds, most especially.

  3. Talking with my loves ones is a great thing to do. It helps me to clarify situations about which I am confused. Sometimes I volunteer for things that I should not volunteer. Then I become nervous & actually physically ill. Then I am embarrassed when I have to withdraw.

    To manage my fears, I walk my dogs. Listen to good music. Watch a favorite show on T.V. or go to a movie I have been wanting to see. Then I do what I must do. I am honest and confess that I must withdraw from my unwise commitment. It’s very embarrassing, but it must be done.

  4. I talk with some of my more reliable confessors. Take a walk with my dogs or meditate. Then my mind is clear & I am renewed & refreshed!

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