More than Infinite

GalaxyScientists are coming to believe that our universe—the sum total of everything—is only one of many universes. Possibility, it seems, is not just infinite, but a multitude of infinities.

Within the infinities of possibilities, what good thing have you chosen today?

2 thoughts on “More than Infinite”

  1. Today I spent two hours phone banking for a favored candidate for city council. I might have watched my American League team, the Rangers win against the Phillies for those two hours. That time spent would have possibly been to less effect.

  2. I spent about an hour making blueberry muffins from scratch. Those made my husband’s day at work that much cheerier, and mine too back home.
    I cuddled with my guinea pig for a while. He’s been sick lately (tentative diagnosis hyperthyroid, will get lab tests to confirm), and while waiting for the veterinary treatments to do their thing, the extra comfort and love make him feel better.

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