Close to Prayer

CloseToPrayer-150x150“I don’t know whether I believe in God or not. I think, really, I’m some kind of a Buddhist. But the essential thing is to put oneself in a frame of mind which is close to that of prayer.”
―Henri Matisse

What do you do to put yourself in a frame of mind that is close to prayer?

4 thoughts on “Close to Prayer”

  1. Ideally, I like to be in my special, sacred space, which has low, natural light and an overhead fan. There is a comfortable chair. I close my eyes. The process begins. At other times, when I feel the need to enter into “prayer,” I merely begin the internal conversation.

  2. Personally, being of service to others puts me in a frame of mind that is close to prayer, but Jim’s answer above put a smile on my face. 🙂

  3. Reduce movement, reduce thought, count down through Silva Mind Control exercises and be open to higher consciousness.

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