4 thoughts on “Bare Trees”

  1. In times of loss, have you found beauty in the essentials that remained?…
    No. Each time I first experience “loss” – I experience panic and despair; then anger and grief [oh! how I can rage!] … and, the “beautiful” moments are hard to hold onto; because the pain of not having them anymore, creates too many sharp edges…

  2. When I’ve gone to lock down units at mental hospitals, I’ve lost everything I thought I cared about: music, contact to the few friends I had, comfort items, fresh air, and every last scrap of freedom. These things were not wonderful enough to convince me that life is worth living; otherwise I would not have been committed in the first place. By stripping everything away, I saw that I cared enough about them to miss them even for a few days. The experience also reduced my life to those terms because everything else – school obligations and the like – were temporarily removed as well and so I could see what I cared about more clearly. I get a glimpse of the “spare shape of the structures at the center” of my life.

    I still think there’s got to be a more humane way of running a hospital than ripping away everything precious, but I suppose this way is at least occasionally effective.

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