All the Colors

You might always get the same favorite flavor of ice cream or coffee drink, but a handful of jelly beans brings you a random assortment of flavors and colors. No doubt you will prefer some tastes to others, but there’s always a chance you’ll hit upon a new favorite that you’ve never encountered before.

What is your newest delightful discovery?

One thought on “All the Colors”

  1. Audio books.
    I hadn’t used them sooner because I thought I’d get distracted and lose track of the story, because I know I’ve lost focus with music.
    Because I suffer from chronic headaches, reading books can be difficult and painful, especially if the only version available is small print. (If possible, I get books on my Kindle, so I can adjust the font size.)
    I recently participated in my local library’s adult summer reading program, and to meet the goals, I listened to audio books. I borrowed books on CD, and finally learned how to use the digital resources from my library to borrow audio books with an app on my tablet. Also, I’m using the language learning apps the library provides. It’s amazing what they offer.

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