All the Doorways

Layers of BeginningIt takes courage to walk through a doorway, to step into something new. But walking through door after door, moving into change after change, beginning and beginning again, can be both intimidating and exhausting. It can also be incredibly exciting, and those times of rapid and continuing change tend to be the times that stand out most in our lives.

How has coping with change prepared you to walk through yet another doorway?

One thought on “All the Doorways”

  1. Walking through door after door of my life has involved, in a strong sense, recognition of my physical condition. I have been fortunate to have enjoyed much health, some challenges, but overall a normal opportunity to use my body in a happy, healthy way. As I progress from birth to death, I find that the latter may be somewhat like birth, in that one needs help similar to being unable as a babe to survive without it. Perhaps the dying process is similar; I am trying to accept the process with understanding. I began, years ago, to understand this when I couldn’t do cartwheels anymore!

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