Give it a Rest

AfternoonNapFacing the challenges of life requires courage and persistence and skill. But sometimes the best strategy is just to give it a rest for a while and wait for things to pass.

What is your favorite way to procrastinate or relax?

2 thoughts on “Give it a Rest”

  1. In the midst of having to move with no specific place to go, and too much stuff to pack up, we took a day off and went to Prescott, AZ, where it’s cooler, with all the animals. Never even thought about the problems.

  2. I have this rather silly response to procrastination. My intention when I feel overwhelmed is to decide to sit down and, in essence, “write myself a letter”. This letter can sometimes become almost a volume (with chapters) of things to do: need to do, want to do, should do, may do, really have a passion to do; want to put on hold; think I have an obligation to do; wish I had done. etc, .etc.
    Once I get that done, I have a sense of relief that all is covered….but of course, that’s not true and I can slip back into that other world again of choosing priorities or just letting life flow by helter skelter, and truthfully, enjoying myself for a while. The reason I said “silly” is that this is actually a Plan A and I need to get along to a Plan B or maybe even get to a Plan C?!

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