
PricklyThistles protect themselves with an array of spiny thorns, and there are few animals that would dare to try to eat a thistle. But many birds find thistle seed irresistible, and an opened thistle flower is well worth the prickling on the toes.

What have you braved for the chance to be part of something creative and/or delicious?

One thought on “Prickly”

  1. I suppose that joining the Peace Corps during its early days was this kind of challenge for me. Part of the training took place in a small campsite in Puerto Rico. Much of outdoor life isn’t for me, One incident stands out: there is a dam near Areciebo, and we, having been instructed about repelling, etc. down cliffs and slopes, were required to go down the side of a large dam. I couldn’t; I stalled; I finally said NO. The young instructor said,” Patt if you don’t try this, you may not complete the training course to get into the Peace Corps” Worried, I found later that I was going to be accepted and went to Peru for two successful years but I know I will never, ever repel down a dam!

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