
bird of prey - pixabayThis magnificent eagle in flight is the very picture of freedom—except for the tethers on its legs that mark it as a trained bird who will go back to its handler. It could fly away, but chooses to return.

What tethers do you voluntarily allow to limit your freedom?

One thought on “Tethers”

  1. A remarkable aerial photo of a soaring eagle – interesting to think about same sounding words with such different purposes – feathers and tethers. You pose a thoughtful question about what tethers we voluntarily accept which limit our own freedom. It seems we may also have involuntary tethers upon our freedom as well. These may be habits of thought, instilled in us at an early age, which linger at a subconscious level – limiting our freedom of thought. These can deny us the perspective afforded the soaring eagle.

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