Pick Me

Wishing for hopeThere are so many ways that we hold out hope that we will be chosen—for a job, by a love interest, for a part in a play, for a promotion at work—and yet it rarely seems appropriate to wave our hands and yell out “Pick me! Pick me!” Sometimes all you can do it just show up and smile.

Who do you hope will notice you?

3 thoughts on “Pick Me”

  1. As a retired person, I think I have more options to be less concerned about “hoped for” opportunities. Rather than jobs, friendships, love interests and those hoped for things, I can pick and choose perhaps more freely. I would like to meet Barack Obama. He seems like the kind of person who would take time to speak with me and try to have a meaningful conversation with me. I don’t see it in the future but who knows?

  2. When I was young(er) ha ha, I hoped that EVERYONE would notice me. I found out the hard way, that can be a double edged sword. As a more mature person, I’m not really concerned about hoping to be noticed. I’ve found out that as long as I am in touch with myself, I’m content.

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