Small Gifts

tiny present - morguefileChildren will instinctively gravitate toward the largest box with the shiniest wrapping. But as we age we come to realize that the best gifts often come in the smallest wrapping. Yes, jewelry, but also the things that come without wrapping at all: a night full of stars, a gentle squeeze of the hand, a moment of perfect quiet.

What gift without wrapping will you offer yourself or give to someone you love?

One thought on “Small Gifts”

  1. This month, as a birthday gift to one who has the crossover of a birthday in December with Christmas, I gave a treasured painting that was in turn given to me at retirement by my art teacher friend . It represents a simple Kansas front yard auction scene and includes several of my former elementary art students and a grandmother. For years I have enjoyed the painting very much. A friend, my “cleaning lady”, who also serves as a person who kindly helps me with other chores, has received the painting. I very much like to know that the one who receives a painting will love it as much as I did.

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