Winter Solstice

yule log - cc0You can honor the solstice as the longest night of the year, or as the moment when the balance shifts and the days begin to get longer. You can burn the Yule log and turn toward brighter days, or you can cherish the dark.

How do you honor the solstice?

One thought on “Winter Solstice”

  1. I see myself in relation to the winter solstice as realizing that my life goes on and on and that to be prepared for life, there is a turning of life giving forces for all of us. Some we say we like: (spring flowers?) (autumn colors?) but why not add (winter whiteness)? If we lived a natural life style where cars didn’t muddy the snowy roads, where we could sit and watch the flakes lazily fall from the sky, where we could see the brilliant sun come out after the snowfall and make glorious purple shadows on the drifts, perhaps we could more readily accept the turning of this Winter Solstice too.

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