Blinds Closed

closed blinds - morguefile creative commonsWe put blinds on our windows for privacy, or to block out unwanted light. But it’s awfully easy to close metaphorical blinds to the things that we’d simply rather not see: racism, sexism, the environmental cost of a comfortable lifestyle, broken relationships…the list is pretty much endless. It can be hard to actually let in the view, but it matters that we see what is happening outside our windows.

How have you chosen to open the blinds to uncomfortable, important truths?

Up in Flames

burning paper - morguefile  creative commonsSometimes things in life go up in flames in the worst possible way, leaving us stunned and bereft. But sometimes it is a relief to consign aspects of our lives to the flames, letting go of what no longer serves us. And every now and again it turns out that the terrible fires are actually burning away things we no longer needed.

What has it helped you to let go of to the flames?