A Little Too Complicated

A Little Too ComplicatedIt is possible to propagate trees so that trunks weave together in a complicated basket weave. But it’s you can to work too hard at making something fancy when something simpler—just a tree—might prove more attractive.

What in your life could use simplifying?

One thought on “A Little Too Complicated”

  1. Simplification of a usual part of one’s ongoing life can be daunting because it can be perceived as very necessary just the way you’ve “always done it”. I could take some time to organize my thoughts and my actions to simplify my cooking, eating and cleaning up procedure. I know about all of the recommendations…preparing food for the week and freezing…eating out…sharing with others… but will have to work out my own system. It would truly save me a lot of my retirement-years-time so that I could work more on my “bucket list “!

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