David and Goliath

DavidMichelangelo’s David depicts the young man at the point of decision as he prepares to confront the giant Goliath. The moment of courage which the artist chose to memorialize was not the actual confrontation when David’s life was on the line, but the moment of true courage when he freely chose to take a monumental risk.

What is the greatest risk that you have chosen of your own free will?

4 thoughts on “David and Goliath”

  1. Most of the big risks I’ve taken were acts of desperation, so I’m not sure they really qualify as “free will.” Probably the biggest risk I took was going to college in a town I wasn’t familiar with and in which I knew only one person – and we weren’t exactly close. Living on my own was a huge step, one that I’ve since had to retract as it didn’t go so well. Spending my money on education in a field where I knew it was unlikely that I’d find work was also a huge risk. I learned a lot from the experience, including that I really do not do well under pressure.

  2. I felt like I was taking a big risk when I came out publicly as bisexual, and, more importantly, as an LGBT advocate. Most acquaintances I had in my conservative Texas town were not accepting. Yet it wasn’t as risky as I thought it might be.

  3. At the time I thought that going overseas by joining the Peace Corps in Peru was a big risk. All I could think of then was that I knew that many of the roads were risky and that there were a lot of serious accidents. Even though this was true, I went and, in looking back, now I know that being in the PC for two years was life changing in the affirmative. I continue to value that part of my life as the one most transforming time for me. Certainly there were dangers and unpleasant times, but the wonderful friendships, opportunities and satisfactions that resulted out weighted any of the difficulties.

  4. Refusing induction into The Armed Forces of the United States, Detroit 1969. Covered my ass, so no consequences except anonymous phone calls (FBI?) to my little sister about how her big brother (me) was going to go to prison. Not

    Being Trustee for our Mom. Haven’t talked w/3 siblings for 2 years so far. I had legal duties, they didn’t. Might reconcile w/1 or more someday, but no urge yet.

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