Spider Web

SpiderWebWhy do we associate spider webs with spookiness and Halloween? Is it just because the biggest garden spiders are more active in the fall, or is there some deeper reason why these helpful agents of pest control have such a negative reputation? Who else around you might be unjustly getting the blame?

Who are you tempted to think of as dangerous, without any evidence behind your fear?

Lost and Found

PinkGloveHaven’t you done it? Picked up a glove or a hat or a baby sock that you found on the street and placed it in some visible, clean location in hopes that the owner will come back for it? You don’t know who lost the item, you don’t know if they’ll return for it, but doesn’t it feel better to take some little step in hopes that what was lost might again be found?

What small action have you taken lately on behalf of a stranger?