Mirror Image

MonumentValleyUtahSometimes when we are feeling isolated, what we need is someone who can mirror us back to ourselves—who can echo back our feelings or share a story to remind us that someone else struggles with the same issues, that we are not, after all, out in the desert alone.

Who mirrors you back to yourself?

2 thoughts on “Mirror Image”

  1. Yes, it is important to have a connection with another in order to sort out things sometimes, Just hearing oneself speaking the words is helpful. I Patt (PATRICIA) have discovered that another friend named Pat (PATRICIA) have multiple parts of our lives in common; however this is not the essential reason for our ability to communicate well. The commonality started it: we have developed trust between each other so that it seems fairly easy to open up and discuss something that may be troubling for either of us. It is an essential part of my life now and I think of hers that we have this “tie that binds”. Getting a joy or a sorrow out in the open is worthwhile.

  2. I am blessed to have a few people in my life who are able to reach through my isolation and feel like I’m no longer the only one who is going or has gone through something at a particular time in my life. It has taken a long time to build up a mutual trusting relationship with these people. They literally “unlock” me so I can bring what seem to me to be deep dark secrets into the open/light. They never seem so scarey when this happens. Because of our trusting relationship, I am also able to reach through their isolation and bring them back to “connection”! Sometimes, we need to remember that we are connected to each other, all living things, all of creation, all of the universe, all of the universes (the list gets bigger and bigger) – we are not alone!

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