It Still Works

StillWorks-MHDSure, there are fancier, faster machines out there, but this aged tractor can still get the job done. While it’s easy to love smart phones and wi-fi and all the latest gadgets, much of the fertility of our lives comes from wisdom handed down to us from people who managed without the benefit of our contemporary marvels.

What bit of wisdom do you cherish from a person who lived in an earlier age?

2 thoughts on “It Still Works”

  1. My Oma used to say, “Life is hard! Don’t worry!” Although it probably isn’t what she meant when she said it, I have come to interpret it as “Life is hard regardless of what you do. Just do the best you can to manage it and don’t worry too much about it. Worrying is not going to make it less complicated.”

  2. My dad taught me, by example, that most items can be re-used, re-purposed, or repaired before they need to be thrown away (preferably recycled).

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