The Life that is Waiting for Us

TheLifeThatIsWaitingForUs“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell

What sort of a life do you imagine might be waiting for you if you let go of the life you planned?

One thought on “The Life that is Waiting for Us”

  1. There have been times when I felt very disappointed that things did not work out as I planned. However, with a little bit of time, I have always found that new doors have opened with things that I had not dreamed of. These things were not always easier, but always more rewarding. One disadvantage of planning completely is a lack of experience. It is difficult to plan for things when we have no knowledge of their existence. It is frequently the detours from out plans that lead us on to the hidden secret joys and adventures.

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