
IrisSometimes we are given gifts of such startling abundance—like the sight of a bed of iris in full bloom—that just for the moment the world stands still while we catch our breath and give thanks.

When was the last time you gave thanks for an abundance of loveliness?

One thought on “Abundance”

  1. I was stunned still by an abundance of loveliness several times last night when my Hubby and I took went out to the shore of Lake Michigan. We visited an asparagus farm. It’s always astonishing to see the way the stalks stick straight up out of the ground all by themselves! The surrounding woods were carpeted with trillium in bloom. Watched the sun set at the beach – the water is cold, but I waded anyway! Then we gathered at the Sleeping Bear Dunes with a local astronomy club to look at the night sky. I saw the rings on Saturn!

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