Wheat from Chaff

WheatIn the process from plant to flour, the miller must separate the wheat kernel from the chaff—the outer husk of the grain. It turns out that a lot of life experiences are the same way—it takes some effort to winnow the part that will feed you from the husk that you first see.

What chaff is standing in the way of your enjoying a grain of truth or meaning?

One thought on “Wheat from Chaff”

  1. The separation of wheat kernel from chaff may be our greatest challenge after survival.
    What is “real love” as opposed to its imitators such as obsession, infatuation, and worse? Many of the Populist enthusiasms have been mostly destructive: National Socialism, Southern Succession, The Terror, following the French Revolution, and so on and on. Our 4th Principle:”A free and responsible search for truth and meaning” means that we each have do this for ourselves. The “responsible” part means that we must do this with some care. The Humanist cohort in my Fellowship is keen on “critical thinking” and the scientific method. I think that one could do worse and yet . . .

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