Repair Service

RepairShopIt’s great that you can get your false teeth repaired while you wait, but it’s a pity that there isn’t a much broader range for this service. Wouldn’t it be great if you could sit down in a chair and have them fix up your broken heart or your feeling of disillusionment?

What one thing would you choose to have repaired while you waited?

5 thoughts on “Repair Service”

  1. I hope my family and friends could wait while each and every one of their concerns and stress points desolved before their eyes.

  2. If I could pick anything, I would want someone to cure my mother’s cancer while we wait.

    If it has to be my own problem, I’d go with my mental illnesses. If it has to be more specific, I guess it would be my feelings of helplessness.

  3. I would like to have my relationship with my daughter healed. My husband & I haven’t spoken with her to in 10 years. When we happen to see each other at family gatherings, she turns her back to us. She came to her brother’s wedding last fall. When I tried to engage her in light conversation, she turned immediately to her husband & they left without saying a word. Indeed, at the time I tried to speak with she looked at me with great fear & could just barely say thank you for the compliment I gave her. My heart is broken. It re breaks every day, in the a.m. when I wake upon the afternoon when thoughts of her enter in my mind, & @ when I go to bed. She refuses to talk with us about her issues. She is in contact with everyone else in the family, but us. I know there is nothing I can do without her permission. So I am helpless in this relationship. No one in my family wants to hear me, not even my husband.

  4. The most helpful “repair service” that I can think of would be the gift of acceptance of the fact that over the eighty years of my life so far that things have not always gone, I’ll say, swimmingly. Relationships have sometimes tanked, professional status was not always as high as I would have liked, the list is quite long as it is for most of us, I imagine. Sometimes my dreams are not so great and I fret at odd moments. I know that this is not good and does not help at all. But there you are. This “repair service” would be most appreciated!

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