In the Beginning

InTheBeginningIn the beginning was the Word…declares the Gospel of John, but it never says exactly what word that might be. It’s as hard to imagine a single word that would launch creation as it is to picture the Big Bang, in which Nothing exploded into Something. Such is the nature of beginnings.

What single word evokes the sense or experience of a new beginning for you?

3 thoughts on “In the Beginning”

  1. There are several words– spring, robin, jonquil, tulip, run-off, earthy, duckling, rushing(creek)fresh….

  2. Another thought on John “In the beginning there was the Word” and suggesting that “he” may be used as the reflection of God being masculine at that time in history. Proverbs 8:22-31 and Wisdom 7:26 suggest that it was Wisdom/Sophia the feminine of the Divine that was present in the beginning with God. There is a teaching in the Roman Catholic faith (and I do not understand it well) that Jesus was the embodiment of Wisdom…the Logos.

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