What is Left

WhatIsLeftA rose in summer is a symbol of abundance, an extravagance of color and scent that calls to people and bees alike. But a rose in winter is a very different thing, stripped down to thorns and the remainder of flowers that bear the seeds of a new generation.

In a time of loss, what have you found that remained to you?

One thought on “What is Left”

  1. what has always sustained me at times of loss is knowing that there is no death, just a change in form–a transition, if you will, to another level of reality. the symbol of a rose–or any plant, tree, growing thing–is excellent, in that it shows clearly that while it ‘appears’ to have no life, it is very much alive, waiting in confidence for the change of season which announces the time for it to shift into another way of being–& to bring forth what is deepest w/in it, allow it to once again be expressed fully, in greatest glory, a bloom of joy & abundance–a blessing for all to witness. our lives are different in one way, yet the same in another: am i willing to allow life to come forth again, after a loss? am i willing to feel joy? be happy? –it’s the same as “blooming” & just as available, but unlike a rose/plant/tree, it depends totally on the choices i make from one moment to another.

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